Rockstar Colony

TNR One-Take Video

TommyCat Lee shows up to teach Frostie Mac Creamsicle about Trap-Neuter-Return, TNR, the humane method of managing and reducing the number of feral and stray cats outside. Frostie Mac is the eighth cat to be TNR’d from the Jose and the Pussycats Colony. TommyCat Lee was already TNR’d in 2012 from the Rockstar Colony. Frostie… Read more »

Ferals Ferals Ferals

I have awesome friends that indulge me with all things related to felines. Check out the Photoshop skills of my friend, Chris. Look, the Crew Cats even have eartips! All the cool cats have them. Actually, now all seven cats of the Rockstar Colony have them: Mr. Friendly, Mama Cat, Fluffy, Cheezburger Cat, Pepe, and… Read more »

Rockstar Colony: They’re Feral, They’re Neighborhood-Wide

For a few years now when I ask neighbors if they see cats anywhere, they all seem to mention the same house. This house is famous, with cats partying all over the front lawn, a chihuahua who serves as security, and people hanging out. Introducing: THE ROCKSTAR COLONY (COLony, Colony, colony, ….)! The cats are… Read more »