It Takes a Feral Villa

I’ve actually kept up with my new running regime this year. This Chicago winter was probably the best winter ever to start. We have had nothing but great weather, and it is amazing to enjoy the spring now in full bloom. Even the sidewalks look pretty.

Thank you! You look pretty good yourself.

The hardest thing about running in my area is, um, staying on track, so to speak, because I keep getting sidetracked by cat sightings, and meeting other neighbors who are also trying to help the cats. A few weeks ago I actually saw a homemade feral villa on a neighbor’s front porch.

It’s perfect! Does this person TNR, or have feral cats in their yard? I found out yesterday when I ran by and she was sitting on her stoop reading to her kids. It turns out this neighbor used to have a feral kitten living on their block, but the kitten didn’t make it through the winter. Since then she has not seen many more cats but they kept the villa just in case. I’m so happy to have found one more neighbor that wants to help the cats in their yard.

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