Helping a Caregiver with Feral Cat Colony Management

Caring for feral cat colonies means continuing to TNR any new intact cats that show up. That’s the basis of colony management for all caregivers.


Kim V. has been caring for her Big Daddy Colony in Avondale for years. She TNR’d about a dozen cats there so far. Most of them hang out in her yard. IMG_0179

She contacted us to borrow traps for a few cats still needing TNR and additional medical care.


Specifically this orange cat, who needs to be neutered and shaved. IMG_7017

We dropped off a dozen traps at her home a few weeks ago. Her indoor rescue cats made sure to investigate. IMG_0180 As soon as she set the traps cats came to investigate. IMG_0182

So far she has TNR’d two new intact males this month. She is still trying to trap the orange cat and another cat that appears to be sick. She is also pretty sure there is a black kitten down the block from her. In the meantime she also trapped several ear tipped cats, so having the extra traps came in handy.

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